The global used car export market is always shifting, driven by economic factors and regional demand. From July to August 2024, we’ve seen significant changes in export numbers across 30 countries. In this article, we focus on the most notable increases and decreases in key markets and explore one major factor behind these changes.
1. Markets with Significant Growth
One standout market is Tanzania, which saw a 41% increase in exports, rising from 5,483 units in July to 7,725 units in August. This growth is largely attributed to rising demand for affordable used cars in the region, fueled by Tanzania's economic development and increasing consumer purchasing power. Japanese used cars, known for their reliability and quality, remain highly sought after in this growing market.
Chile experienced an even more dramatic surge with a 86% increase, from 2,904 units to 5,407 units. The booming demand for affordable vehicles across South America, particularly in Chile, reflects a growing middle class and the need for cost-effective transportation.
2. Markets Facing Decline
Conversely, several markets faced significant declines in used car imports. Thailand saw a steep drop of -40%, with exports falling from 4,562 units to 2,715 units. The primary factor behind this sharp decline could be the weakening economy, rising fuel costs, and fluctuations in consumer purchasing power. The depreciation of the Thai Baht and increased taxation on imported vehicles may have also contributed to reduced demand.
Similarly, the United States recorded a -31% decrease, with exports falling from 1,624 units in July to 1,115 units in August. The decline in demand for used gasoline-powered cars in favor of electric and hybrid vehicles could be playing a significant role in this downward trend, as the U.S. shifts towards greener transportation solutions.
3. Astonishing Growth in Jamaica
Japan’s used car exports to Jamaica skyrocketed by 98% in just one month, with exports rising from 1,832 units in July 2024 to 3,631 in August. This growth is driven by several key factors.
Economic Recovery Fuels Demand
A 2023 report by the Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) highlighted a 2.5% GDP growth, driven by the recovery in tourism and construction. This has boosted the demand for affordable vehicles as businesses renew their fleets, particularly in the car rental and construction sectors.
Eased Import Regulations
In 2023, the Jamaica Customs Agency relaxed its vehicle import regulations, allowing cars over five years old to enter the market. This change has opened the door to more affordable, high-quality Japanese used cars, significantly boosting imports.
Yen Weakness Offers Price Advantage
The weak Japanese yen has further strengthened Jamaica’s buying power, making Japanese cars even more affordable and attractive to local consumers.
Jamaica’s used car market is growing rapidly, with economic recovery, relaxed import rules, and favorable currency rates driving demand. This is a prime opportunity for Japanese exporters to expand their reach in this thriving market.
国名 | Country name | 7月 | 8月 | 増減割合 |
アラブ首長国連邦 | UAE | 15,254 | 16,284 | 7% |
ロシア | RUSSIA | 21,086 | 15,153 | -28% |
モンゴル | Mongolia | 10,823 | 7,347 | -32% |
ニュージーランド | NEW ZEALAND | 5,048 | 5,888 | 17% |
タンザニア | Tanzania | 5,483 | 7,725 | 41% |
チリ | CHILE | 2,904 | 5,407 | 86% |
ケニア | KENYA | 6,439 | 6,270 | -3% |
南アフリカ共和国 | SOUTH AFRICA | 2,393 | 3,411 | 43% |
タイ | Thailand | 4,562 | 2,715 | -40% |
マレーシア | MALYSIA | 4,650 | 2,166 | -53% |
フィリピン | PHILIPPINE | 3,331 | 3,691 | 11% |
パキスタン | Pakistan | 2,671 | 3,099 | 16% |
ジャマイカ | JAMAICA | 1,832 | 3,631 | 98% |
ウガンダ | Uganda | 2,219 | 3,280 | 48% |
キプロス | CYPLUS | 1,824 | 1,337 | -27% |
バングラデシュ | BANGLADESH | 2,464 | 2,040 | -17% |
ミャンマー | Myanmar | 2,193 | 989 | -55% |
オーストラリア | AUSTRALIA | 2,614 | 1,650 | -37% |
ガイアナ | Guyana | 1,610 | 1,588 | -1% |
コンゴ民主共和国 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 1,656 | 2,756 | 66% |
英国 | United Kingdom | 1,965 | 1,032 | -47% |
ジョージア | Georgia | 813 | 785 | -3% |
アメリカ合衆国 | United states of america | 1,624 | 1,115 | -31% |
ナイジェリア | Nigeria | 1,963 | 1,446 | -26% |
モザンビーク | Mozambique | 1,331 | 1,538 | 16% |
ザンビア | Zambia | 1,231 | 1,725 | 40% |
大韓民国 | Republic of Korea | 1,165 | 1,086 | -7% |
ジンバブエ | Zimbabwe | 944 | 1,631 | 73% |
バハマ | Bahamas | 736 | 908 | 23% |
アイルランド | Ireland | 785 | 983 | 25% |
Japan Carrier